Well-known for its sophisticated high-end R&D systems, SEO expands its family of wettability measurement instruments to include a system suitable in Educational, QC, Product Development and multiple user applications.
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Well-known for its sophisticated high-end R&D systems, SEO expands its family of wettability measurement instruments to include a system suitable in Educational, QC, Product Development and multiple user applications.
SEO DCA 200 Series Analyzers
The SEO DCA series analyzer offer a powerful. And versatile approach to comprehensive understanding of the complex interaction at liquid-liquid and liquid-solid surfaces. Whether you need to improve adhesion, apply a coating, or modify a surface, a SEO DCA system provides the solution.
The information of surface or the interfacial tension is critically important in applications such as detergency and emulsification and is also important for many biological processes. Especially, the Du NÕuy Ring method and the Wihelmy Plate method are commonly used for measuring surface / interfacial tensions.
The DST A series are precise tension meters (with Digital LCD display) for the measurement of surface (Liquid – Vapour) & interfacial tensions (Liquid – Liquid) using both the Du NÕuy ring and the Wihelmy plate.
The DST M series is designed for Educational, Quality Control and other multiple user applications. By simply operating the sample stage manually, you can get the surface / interfacial tension results quickly with no additional calculations.
The Phoenix series is designed to offer the flexibility required for QA. R&D and engineering process development. The Phoenix-I is a quite simple and virtually any measure size without sample cutting sample cutting preparation. Light-weight means simple control device and simple handling. Phoenix-I adopted USB type camera. Easily connect to laptop and desktop computer with Surfaceware software.
The Phoenix Smart series is designed to offer the flexibility required for QA. R&D and engineering process development. The Phoenix-Smart (M.A.T) has been specially designed to be an upgradable and portable device that is easy and convenient to use. The Phoenix-Smart(M.A.T) can virtually any sample size without sample cutting preparation. Light-weight means simple control device and simple handling. Phoenix-Smart(M.A.T) adopted USB type camera. Easily connect to laptop and desktop computer with Surfaceware software.
Phoenix 300 Multi : Automatic 3 Syringes systems Contact Angle Analyzer
The Phoenix 300 Multi series is a special 3 syringes automatic contact angle system can facilitate simultaneous dispensing three different liquids. It has a specially designed optical system for reducing the light scattering and is mounted with a camera easily adjusted in all directions. The fluids are dispensed from a manually controlled syringe system or semi auto/automatically by embedded a stepping motor system. The position of the sample stage can be precisely adjusted along the X, Y or Z-axis for fine image analysis
Phoenix 10 Contact Angle Analyzer
The Phoenix 10 series has a special designed optical system for reducing the light scattering and able to upgrade to a higher model with ease. The fluid is dispensed from the manually controlled syringe system. The position of the sample stage precisely adjusted along X-, Y- or Z-axis for the fine image analysis.
Phoenix 300 Touch Automatic Contact Angle Analyzer
SEO Phoenix 300 Touch is the latest product in our contact angle analyzer. It features innovative features with automated, fully software control liquid drop volume. In order to produce accurate and reproducible contact angle results, the Phoenix 300 Touch featured the intelligent automated Z-head controls. This Touch feature will automatically move the Z-head to drop a single drop of liquid onto the sample; the user can have a peace of mind for the consistency of how droplet is introduced onto the sample surface.
Phoenix Alpha Contact Angle Analyzer
The phoenix Alpha was specifically upgraded based on many user’s inputs. It is easy, simple compact and user friendly designed. The system has a special designed optical system of reducing the light scattering and mounting an easy camera all-direction adjustment. The Phoenix Alpha is a valuable tool for on the spot research, QC and universities and training.
Phoenix Mini Contact Angle Analyzer
The Phoenix Mini is specially developed with small footprint ideally for QA/QC work. Phoenix Mini portability combined with ease of measurement is ideal for routine measurement for surface treatment and cleanliness studies. The Phoenix Mini has a pre-aligned fixed optical system that eliminates the need to make focus adjustment.
Worlds First: The New Stages That Define Performance!!
A New Level of designing performance and Flexibility
It is the world’s first model that can be used by turning the equipment, the individual modules can be separated, and the length of each main frame can be selected to change the model to suit almost all samples.